Monday, February 8, 2010

Obama, Pelosi, Reid = the trifecta of all that is wrong with Democrats, true or false?

If you list them as Reid - Pelosi - Obama, you can make the acromyn RePO.

They're going to get the Federal gov't so far into debt that the whole USA will get repo'd.

Major trifecta of overspending.

ACORN registers those votes that they buy with new welfare programs.

We pay.

Everybody lives like poor people except for them.Obama, Pelosi, Reid = the trifecta of all that is wrong with Democrats, true or false?

We are headed for a Great Demorcrat Depression if Barack Hussein Obama is elected, God forbid, and implenents his Socialist TAX TAX TAX.

The United Socialist States of America aka USSA.

Karl Marx believed that socialism represents the transition between capitalism and communism.

Obama, Pelosi, Reid = the trifecta of all that is wrong with Democrats, true or false?
Other than the fact that a getting the trifecta is usually a good thing, that is a true statement.

Seems like a recipe for disaster.
As a horseman, I enjoy betting on the tri fectas, but in the case of this tri fecta, we all lose

There are no democrats

only Republicans in denial
True!! These socialists will ruin America if they get more power. The dems have been running congress for the last two years and they have a lower approval rating than the president who they insist on bashing.
Oh how very true and WAY to scary to think about. Then you have to ask this as Halloween is coming up Scares the pee out of me.

McCain/Palin '08

A match made in he//
Absolutely true.
true, true, true.

let's not forget Barney Fwank, Dodd et al
True...but then I think about Waxman, Murtha, Frank, and Spector....perhaps false.
True fact I would call their acts treason.
true but theres more
The truth will set us free!
Pelosi and Reid, agreed.

Obama no way.

The problem is the repugs don't get it.

67% of the population feel the country is headed in the wrong direction.

A good portion of republican representatives will be run out of office next week.

It is predicted the Dem's will pick up seats in the senate, they could in fact have a veto proof congress.

Pay attention. It is the repugs that have been wrong
I don't believe you republicans are trying to use this as a reason to vote for McCain.

This is like saying...we know McCain is a horrible choice for president....but we can't let dems have all PLEASSSSSSSEEEEEE????

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